As with most of our breaking news pieces, we stumbled upon the news via Twitter that super problematic, girlboss clubhouse The Wing, is finally closing its doors.
While the email appears to have gone out this evening around 8:30pm EST, The Wing’s homepage as of this article being published makes no mention of the closure… which feels like a strange oversight, but okay.
While The Wing launched to great fanfare in New York in 2016 as a destination for women to network and gather, it sadly (and perhaps unsurprisingly) became an environment plagued with racism, discrimination, and mismanagement. We highly recommend reading Jezebel’s “How The Wing's Empire Was Built On Trauma, Racism, and Neglect” and The New York Times’ “The Wing Is a Women’s Utopia. Unless You Work There..”
With limited membership options starting at $950/year and unlimited visits for $2,950/year, The Wing was a members-only clubhouse for women who could afford the privilege.
Since the email went out about the closing, The Wing has appeared to have deleted Instagram comments and has since locked commenting on its photos, with the exception of one. It seems like while The Wing plans to close immediately, they’re putting some folks in a bad spot with previously-booked commitments. The below tweeted screenshot is of comments that were deleted but it appears as of the publishing of this article, someone posted a comment to The Wing’s instagram asking about the deleted comment.
Of course because the one thing The Wing did right was decor, everyone is also very eager to find out what’s going to happen with all the locations’ furniture.
And of course, what we’re all hoping for:
We’ll make sure to keep updating this article if/when we get more details.
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